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By clicking the link below, you will find Waller County's website.The site contains information regarding county news, county offices, employment opportunities, libraries and museums, county history, and much more! 


The Highway 36A Coalition is a Texas non-profit corporation comprised of citizens and concerned government officials with the goal of improving the quality of life throughout the 36A Corridor. The group promotes linking SH36 in Rosenberg with the Waller County Prairie Parkway, continuing through Waller County to connect with SH 6 north of Hempstead.


The coalition has asked TXDOT for funds to conduct a feasibility study.


I want your feedback on the proposed "Grand Prairie Parkway." E-mail me.

By clicking the link below, you will find Waller County election information. The site contains information regarding announcements, voter registration and information, voting locations, results and reports, and much more!

Pintail Landfill Update

The TCEQ Executive Director has made an initial determination that Pintail Landfill's application meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. The application has been referred directly to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH).


The contested case hearing began July 22. This hearing established party status. A second hearing to estabish party status will be Sept. 4th. If you believe you will be directly impacted by the proposed landfill, you must make arrangements to attend this hearing.


My office will make our best effort to attend all hearings.


SOAH Contested Case Hearing

Pintail Landfill

Sept. 4

5 p.m.

Hempstead High School Auditorium

801 Donoho Street

Hempstead, Texas 77445


Need more information? Call my office or use TCEQ as a resource:


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